Friday, November 21, 2014

Some Days Are Born In Our Hearts

November is National Adoption Awareness Month  In honor of this month, I will share one of my favorite adoption-related stories.

When our daughter was just barely a year old, she and I went on an amazing stroller adventure, stopping to play at a local park. The park was quiet that day. School was back in session.

There was a mom sitting on a bench and reading. Her son was playing alone but soon joined us. He told me he was five. He was friendly and so good with my little toddler. He pushed her swing. He stood at the bottom of the slide to greet her on her way down. He was an excellent playground mentor.

After a few minutes of playing, the boy nodded his head toward my daughter, lowered his voice, and asked solemnly, "Is she an adopt?"

"Wow," I said, "You are pretty smart for a five year old. Yes, we adopted our daughter."

And we continued to play.

After a while, he had another question. "Does she speak English?"

"Another great question!" I answered. "Yes, she speaks English because she has lived with us since she was born."

He nodded again, looking as if he had figured it all out.  Then he asked, "What language will she speak when she grows up?"

Happy National Adoption Awareness Month, everyone!


  1. So cute! If you've only been on this planet for five years, there is a lot to be figured out. And asking questions of good and kind mommies (yours and the other mommies) is a great info pipeline!

  2. Really great questions, little five yer old boy! great story,Kath.
