Sunday, September 14, 2014

Some Days Are AKA

So many of us wished at some time in our lives that our parents had given us a different name. I remember my friend, Susie, telling some boys we met ice skating that her name was Gidget. I went through a phase when I wanted my name to be Bobbie. So I was not surprised the day my daughter told me she wanted a different name.

My daughter took it a step further.  She asked what she could do to have her name legally changed.  When I explained all the legal hoops a woman jumps to have her name changed when married, my daughter decided she would kill two birds with one stone and wait until she married to change both first and last name.

My daughter is bright.  She also wants to be known as Zena. That is Zena, not Xena.

There is a scientific area called Anthroponymy which is the study of personal names. This must be the science upon which name your baby books are based. I do not know the science behind the wanting a name change, but I have some theories.

I believe Susie wanted the new boys at the skating rink to perceive her as the perky Gidget of movie and T.V. series fame. Maybe. I never asked, just admired one more thing about my friend Susie.

I wished my name was Bobbie. Bobbie would be short for Roberta. My dad was Robert, so it was within the realm of possibilities that I could have this name. It just seemed much cooler to share a name with my dad rather than with just about one out of every five girls I knew. My generation was filled with lasses named Kathy.

Before giving my parental approval to the nickname Zena, I did a little research. Xena (same pronunciation) is a Warrior Princess.  She arrived on the scene with a dark past. She possessed formidable fighting skills and used her skills to help the defenseless. She journeyed the world, always concerned with the greater good.

Yes.  Xena Warrior Princess is a redemption story.

Zena is a great nickname. Jay and I call her by our own special, extended version: Zena Queena Tessalonia.

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